Uprkos svim dostignućima moderne tehnologije (građevine, energenti za zagrevanje prostora, odeća,…), hladnoće i dalje donose mnogo više smrti nego vrućine (63:31%). Oluje, poplave i druge vrste „meteoroloških ekstrema“ gotovo da i ne donose smrtnost (svega 6%).
„Results and Conclusions—During 2006–2010, about 2,000 U.S. residents died each year from weather-related causes of death. About 31% of these deaths were attributed to exposure to excessive natural heat, heatstroke, sunstroke, or all; 63% were attributed to exposure to excessive natural cold, hypothermia, or both; and the remaining 6% were attributed to floods, storms, or lightning.“
Kako ono ide, u hladnijoj klimi nam je bolje (?). Neće biti da je tako, to je svakome savršeno jasno, osim paničarima, a zna se zarad koga i zarad čega…
IZVOR: http://meteoadriatic.net/